A Baking Cozy Giveaway!

Folks, I’m delighted to announce I’ve joined a friendly lot of mystery writers for a special free chance to win more than two dozen new mystery books!

Just click here and take a look at some of the great mysteries one lucky contestant will get their (oven) mitts on, and sign up for your free chance to win!

You’ll start to get updates from myself and cozy authors like me, who just want to share entertaining mysteries where the murders happen off-page, the bad guy answers for their crimes, and everything wraps up nicely with a few cookies and a cup of something hot. (Lately I’ve been baking chocolate-chocolate chip w/ salted peanuts, to go with a lovely decaf latté.)

Now, Margot Parish’s first mystery ‘A Tisket A Tasket A Biscuit A Casket’ is still being polished, and the unlucky exploits of Leonard Lake are still in the drawing board stages. Here’s where I could really use your help:

What would you like from me as a giveaway? I never want to waste my reader’s time, which means sending you things you’ll actually enjoy. Would you like…

  • Baking Recipes Perfected in Margot’s (and My) Kitchen?
  • Character Profiles on the fascinating residents of Fletcher’s Crossing?
  • Cozy Recaps of Favorite Mystery Series and the Great Detectives?
  • A Snapshot of My Writing Process?
  • Sketches for Upcoming Mystery Covers?
  • Something I haven’t thought of!

Put your best answers in the comments, and I’ll make sure you get nothing but the best I can give.

Lots of interesting developments in the works that I can’t wait to share. Stay tuned for more updates soon!